Adult Division

Classes for adults are held on a semester basis, with 15 two-hour classes comprising a semester. Participants have a choice of Beginners-, Continuing-, B1-Intermediate- and B1+ to B2 Intermediate as well as C1-Advanced classes, each conducted over two semesters. The B1+ to B2 class runs for 4 semesters and C1 is open and will change content based on the requests of the students. Class times are 6.30-8.30pm.

The venues for the Adult classes are:

  • Dickson College on the corner of Phillip Avenue and Antill Street, the entrance is on Phillip Avenue. Parking is available in front of the school. (A1-C1)
  • Erindale College, parking outside the college and the leisure center. (A1) (This semester we are not planning Erindale classes due to lack of numbers and teachers. If you are interested, please get in touch)

COVID-19 Update: We have moved back to face to face classes in 2022. However, we are monitoring the situation and if the situation requires, we will change to online classes via Zoom again.

Text books and other learning material

The Adult Division currently uses three text book series. We are moving to a new book for our B1+/B2 classes:

  • Beginners A1-Class: Menschen A1
  • Continuing A2-Class: Menschen A2
  • Intermediate B1-Class:  Menschen B1
  • Intermediate B1+/B2: Vielfalt B1+/B2
  • Intermediate B2.3/4 – Classes: Anders gedacht 3rd edition
  • C1 Conversation Group: no fixed book, material purchased as needed.


Fees for all courses in semester 1-2025 are $380 for the semester. The fees do not include the cost of text and work books and additional optional material, which you can order using the enrolment form. Continuing students will not need new books in semester 2 of a year as our course and work books cover both semesters. Intermediate B1+ will cover half of semester 2 and then we will move to B2.1. Information will be provided to enrolling students. Optional glossaries for the lower levels only cover 1 semester each.


Students wishing to enroll at the school need to complete an online Enrolment form.

Lesson dates and times

Classes are held on Tuesday and Wednesday nights between 6:30pm and 8:30pm.

The timetable for the current semester can be found here: Timetable for semester 1-2025

Additional activities

We also offer students from all our courses to join us at our free conversation evening. Once a month we get together to enjoy a beer, some food or just good company. Alternatively we might organize a “German” activity (for example to see a German movie or to go to a German, Austrian or Swiss event)

End of semester event

We run an event at the end of each semester where students are welcome to bring along friends and family. This is an occasion to catch up with study colleagues, teachers and other students of the school. We have moved from a catered venue to self-catered due to COVID but have found that this is actually a nicer option for all as it allows for a less formal get together. The school offers some catering and organises the venue and the students contribute by bringing a plate and some money for venue rental and catering costs.